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Natural Medicine

Get to the ROOT of Illness
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I am a truck driver who had blood pressure numbers that were too high to maintain my CDL. The doc gave me six months to lower it. I did not have any interest in meds, so I called for an appointment with you. Well, it worked out great for me. Right from the beginning my blood pressure normalized. That was going on three years ago and I love my new way of eating.


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Do You Suffer From Any of the Following?

Do You Suffer From Any of the Following?

  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Dementia
  • IBS
  • Auto Immune Disease
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Lupus
  • Joint Pain
  • Fatigue
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Reflux Disease
  • Hormone Issues
  • Depression

Many prescription medications, when taken long-term, do not generate wellness. Yet that is how physicians are trained to practice.

We refer to the primary care as natural medicine because it closely mimics naturopathic medicine to use natural remedies to help the body heal. In our natural medicine practice, we have time to spend with patients to discuss overall health. We also have all of the tools from our urgent care practice to use for diagnosis and treatment.

From heal-all to plantain to turkey-tail mushrooms, many natural remedies are all around us. Many ancient healing techniques such as Aruvedic, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Native American Medicine, or American Folk Medicine are legitimate healing techniques which stand up to scientific investigation.

This is not to say our practice has given up on western medicine. Often, we need the science of pharmaceuticals to treat serious conditions. A prescription medication can be safe when taken for a short period of time to treat a serious condition. Our practice offers the best of both worlds with the option to utilize prescriptions when necessary combined with knowledge of natural options.

It is not convenient for patients to find oyster mushrooms in the woods or extract oil from fish. AccuDoc diligently researches the best supplement companies and prices to offer our patients natural supplements at an affordable cost. Supplements are available at both locations during our operating hours.

Make An Appointment! Call today at 812-932-3839 to schedule an in-office visit.

Trent Austin, MD

Trent Austin, MD

Several years ago, Dr. Trent Austin realized his blood pressure and cholesterol levels were high. He started prescription medications. They made him feel worse. The board-certified physician started researching alternative options to control his symptoms. It was then he realized treating the symptoms wasn’t the answer. He needed to find the root of the problem.

Dr. Austin watched as his parents were treated by standard medicine for chronic illnesses to no avail. He began learning about better options to manage chronic conditions associated with aging – including Alzheimer’s, dementia, depression, and diabetes. Helping care for his ailing parents changed the way he practices medicine. Researching opened doors to a wealth of information for this life-long learner. He and his team enjoy studying how to combine their love of the outdoors with the practice of medicine.

Keith Tenhundfeld, FNP

Keith Tenhundfeld, FNP

Practicing medicine is a calling to heal and in 1993, Keith started a journey into medicine. He kept an open mind as he went to nursing school and meanwhile learning about alternative therapies. He internalized the importance of addressing a person’s body, mind, heart and soul. This led him to be sensitive to all aspects of a person’s experience.

Over the next 20 years he continually worked to educate himself and eventually became a certified advanced nurse practitioner. He saw first-hand how following the chief complaint algorithm was a “cookie cutter” model and not the best way to heal a person. He wanted to get to the root of the “dis-ease”.

Beginning a career with AccuDoc in 2019 gave him the foundation to explore many avenues of healing process.